Do you make odd sized or shaped cards? I never think about the envelope until I have the card finished. You should have seen me in the past, flinging open drawers, slinging out envelopes, pulling out my hair...
I have a LOT of envelopes. Seriously. Drawers Full. And still half the time, I've made a card that just WON'T FIT or is dwarfed by the envelope.
Solution: Make envelopes. Well, okay. But.... (confession here), I really don't have the patience for that really cool envelope maker that I have stashed away. I just can't figure out how to make envelopes with it that work for my cards.
Real Solution: Make really easy envelopes. Okay. How? Here's how:
Download Agnes Richardson Girl with Black Cat HERE.
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Louisa made valentines when I was there last week. We didn't make them until February 15th, but oh well... I die cut some hearts and then printed unicorns on sticker paper. I peeled the stickers for her and handed them to her.
She really did a good job and had a lot of fun. She made 6, which was just about right for a 15 month old. I rubbed some baking soda on the back parts of the unicorn stickers that stuck out over the hearts to keep them from sticking to anything.
You can see I also made envelopes the same way as I show in the video.
So, go ahead and make those small, large and shaped cards. Envelope? I've got you covered.
Have a wonderful week!