
Monday, February 20, 2017

Sweet Girl Silhouettes + A (Small) Giveaway!

The term silhouette is derived from a french finance minister named Etienne de Silhouette, who had to impose strict economic sanctions in 1759 because of war.  His name became synonymous with cheap.  Silhouettes, either painted or cut out, were way cheaper than a portrait painting!  I think silhouettes are beautiful.  Especially sweet little girls!  

(You'll have to imagine that the sequin at the top of the card is bright gold.  Could not get it to photograph correctly!)  

I'm giving away a stamp set that includes this sweet girl silhouette.  You can see the entire set at the bottom of this post.

This silhouette is one of my favorites and I've used it before.  She is adorable and I love the scene with the kitty at attention and the doll.  You can download this Sweet Silhouette below.

Check out those pretty papers.  I discovered a store called The Simple Surface.  Seriously, they have created some beautiful digital papers.

You can download the sweet silhouette image HERE.

Dropbox seems to work differently for different people.  Either right click and save when image appears or click the download button in the top right corner.  If neither method works, email me and I'll send the files to you.

Here's a quick peek at my sweet girls in the early morning during my last visit.  We'll have to have a silhouette of Louisa done someday!

Above is the stamp set I'm giving away.  It looks a little yellow here and there.  My set looks that way, too.  I'm thinking they use a slightly different formula in the UK to make their clear stamps.  They don't look as clear as we are used to, but it doesn't affect performance. 
 Along with the stamp set, I'm also sending along a couple of surprises.  

I love this stamp set.  All the silhouettes are sweet girls and I like both frames and the bows.  
One commenter (you can email me, too), will be randomly selected.  Just let me know in your comment that you would like the stamps.  

Have a lovely week!


  1. Omgoodness, Lori, what a great post! Love your projects! And how fun to learn about the silhouettes, too! They are so sweet and have such a nostalgic vintage feel that I love. Love that you paired the images with the bright dots and plaids. What a great combo!
    And beautiful photo of your sweet girls!

  2. The download was giveaway enough,but how cool is this stamp set! Thanks so much. Really precious photo and I adore your dimensional project! That freebie is AMAZING! Thanks! Hugs, Autumn

  3. I love silouettes, too, they always look so elegant. That one in your card -and all the others in the stamps set- remember me a cameo. Thanks for the chance in the giveway, and for the free download, the adorable silouette of the girl with her cat and doll is very cute!!
    A big hugs to your grand-daughters, they are so sweet!!

  4. Absolutely gorgeous card - love those bright yellow polka-dots!! The stamp set is so sweet -- thanks for the chance to win!

  5. Very pretty card. I love silhouettes as well. They are so striking. Would love a chance to own this stamp set. Thanks. Hugz

  6. and little Louisa. Silhouette's are in a class all of their own. Hugs!

  7. Awwww....what a sweet little princess. And what comes to your card, I love it! I really like clean and simple style without too many stuff, it focuses your eye on the main thing.

    Thank you for your generosity, I would like to be the lucky gal to with the stamp set.


  8. Beautiful makes Lori and how kind of you to offer the stamp set on top of your download. Who wouldn't want these lovely stamps. I would certainly love to add them to my stamp collection.
    Toni xx

  9. Where do I start?......
    First...thank you for the history on the term silhouette. How interesting. I love words and finding out the background of them.
    Second....your projects are fabulous!!! Love the bright colors and the vintage feel of the images.
    Third....that freebie is AWESOME!! LOVE that it has a cat in it. That little scene is just wonderful. Thank you for sharing this with us!!
    Fourth....your photograph is just precious!!! What an adorable little baby!
    And Fifth.....I would love to have my name put in the hat for this wonderful stamp set!! I don't have anything like it, so it would be a welcome addition to my craft room! Thank you so much for your generosity!!
    Thank you for this sweet and enjoyable post!! Have a lovely rest of the week.
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  10. Never knew before how the term silhouette appeared, Thank u for sharing!
    The photograph is just precious with your cute little darling baby! Love how beautifully used the sweet girl image with gorgeous Polka dots and perfect match of Washi tape!
    Love that digital sweet image, thanks for sharing! Put my name for this awesome silhouette stamp set, its adorable, would love to use! Would feel lucky If I win!


  12. Well I didn't know that! Very interesting! I enjoy silhouette images because they don't have to be coloured haha! Both of your projects are so cute! Thank you for your giveaway - please count me in! I like the freebie image too - thank you! Louisa is growing so quickly and she's getting even cuter each time I see her!

  13. Lori your girls are beautiful - so much love.
    I did buy some of that paper.
    Your card is so pretty and I love the mix of colors!
    Sandy xx

  14. I love the wonderful. I would love to win the stamps.

  15. Your projects with the sweet silhouettes are so pretty and sweet, Lori! I loved reading the history, thank you! And, the photo of your daughter and granddaughter is just so precious! I would frame that one for sure!:-)

  16. Oh my goodness--the picture of your girls is an absolute treasure, Lori! They're both so beautiful--I can see a Mother's Day card using it! Your projects are so creative & beautiful--really love the first one with the gold! I have a PB stamp set with silhouettes, so will let someone else win this beautiful set. You've inspired me to try & use the set I have & never use!

  17. What a cute little stamp set! I love your cute bag tutorial, too!
    What size and score lines would you use for the one with the heart looks like a teeny bag! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi, there! Just send you an email with the info on the mini bag!

  18. Rock star post even includes a baby! I'd love these stamps! THANKS!

  19. LOVE the picture of your girls - They're both beautiful! And what Fabulous Projects Lori! Silhouettes always add such lovely elegance to projects! And then you threw in the digi paper ugh! I love digi papers! Will be heading to check out that store after this! :) Since I don't use many Silhouettes this set would be perfect for someone who would actually use it - I think it's super sweet of you to give it away and I wish everyone luck who is trying to win it! Have a fabulous week! HUGS!


  20. Your girls are so beautiful!! Louisa is so precious and getting so big. And I would love to own this set, it's lovely. Thanks for the chance!

  21. So beautiful... Silhouettes are so sweet... love those digital papers too! I've never used them... what kind of printer do you use? and the girls... also so sweet....
