Let's make it easy! Do you need a cute Halloween Treat Bag? You can whip this up in a jiffy and have a not-so-scary Halloween treat for a little sweetie or maybe for a "You've Been Boo'd" gift. We used to do the "You've Been Boo'd" thing at school and I kind of miss it!
The black cat in a pumpkin and the bag are both printables. You've got some options on the bag and I talk about those, as well as show how to make the gussets in the video below:
You can download the treat bag HERE.
Dropbox seems to work differently for different people. When the image appears, wait a moment and a download button will appear in the top right corner. If download button does not appear, right click on the image and save as. I'm always happy to email the image to you, if neither one works!