
Sunday, January 18, 2015

Hi, Ho Silver and a Puppy

Wow!  This has been a tough January.  I've been super busy at work and am exhausted when I get home.  Talk about affecting my mojo!   Give me some advice - how do you wind down and get your mind off things like work so that your creative juices can flow?

I've got a couple of sweet vintage valentine projects to share today.   I wanted a couple of easy packaging options for a small box of conversation hearts.  

I think this Lone Ranger valentine would work for a boy.  It's so cute!  You can download the image HERE.  I've cut some the bottom of the original image off, but left it on for you.  

The conversation heart box fit perfectly inside a kraft envelope.

However, the box is pink, which didn't fit my color scheme.  So I decided a wrap was in order.  I know - it has a little pink, too, but at least it's not the whole box!

Sweet, right?  This puppy cutie is from Studio Shine Vintage.  The conversation heart box also fit into some clear pillow boxes that I have.  

The arrow is made with a lollipop stick, stamps and dies from My Favorite Things.  I hot glued the arrow point and feathers to the lollipop stick.

Hope you are having a lovely January (surely mine will slow down soon)!  So happy you stopped by!


  1. I can't ever imagine you loosing your mojo......I adore your sweet creations! Love the heart arrow, what a great idea. Hope things slow down for you soon!

  2. If we didn't have to work all day, we could make so many cute things when we get home. You're not alone, we don't lose our mojo, it seems to go to bed way before my head it's the pillow. Thank you for the darling Valentine cowboy. Love him!!

  3. Yes, I agree after working a long day it's difficult to drum up some mojo!:-) But, your mojo was working great with your two valentine projects, Lori! They are CUTE! You take care, hugs!:-)

  4. You might struggle with your mojo but it sure doesn't show. You always post a WONDERFUL project.... today is no exception.

    Thank you again for the download and the instructions on making that adorable arrow.

  5. Sounds only too familiar Lori, lol! My 'creating' day usually is Sunday, basically because it's the only day in the week that I've got time off and do not have to work. But you should have seen my struggle yesterday, phew! It's deadlines that are killing (at least to me they are), I really need to be relaxed in order to create something nice. But it seems to me that your head is always filled with the sweetest of ideas, just look at what you've created again! TFS!
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  6. Stress definitely affects my ability to create! But I would say you are not having any problem with your creativity based on what I'm seeing here! Both projects are adorable! I always love seeing what you make! And your freebies are wonderful too - thank you for the Lone Ranger - very sweet! Hope things settle down for you, Lori.

  7. Despite your busy time and reluctant mojo you have managed some lovely projects.
    January has been pretty hectic for me at work and as a result has been quite stressful. I'm lucky that I live quite close to a wonderful craft village and I can take myself off there at the weekend and either participate in a class or just absorb the atmosphere.
    Toni xx

  8. Lori these are pure Valentines delight. Just love the fun elements of the designs.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  9. These are so cute. Love the details. I think we all have a little slump in January, just because of the build up of Christmas.
