
Friday, February 7, 2014

Llama Love + Winner of Valentine Giveaway

Hi there!  I've had Panda Love, now how about Llama love?  I think this is a very cool alternative to a traditional type Valentine.   The other thing that is cool is that once the valentine lollipop is removed, the recipient has an awesome decoration!

The llama pattern is from Kitschy Digitals.   If you've never been there - go - it is a fun place to visit.

I put this together just a little different than is suggested.  I printed three copies of the llama.  One on 110 lb paper.  Then I flipped the llama image and printed it again on 110 lb paper.  The third copy I printed on 80 lb paper.  You could probably do all three on 110 lb.  This made for a very sturdy llama.  It has no trouble holding up the lollipop.  

Now for the winner of the Valentine Giveaway!
The winner is:

(Diane - email me with your address and I'll ship your goodies to you quickly!)


  1. Love this 3-D Valentine Lori!! It's super cute.

  2. Congrats to Diane and love the llama :-) TFS

  3. Super DUPER cute!!
    Congrats Diane!!
    Have a wonderful day,
    *Crafting With Creative M*

  4. That's just fabulous Lori, your cute looking lama, what an idea! And congrats to Diane!!
    Ira’s Crea Corner
