
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

My Time Made Easy March Peeks

You might have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince!   So, with all that puckering up, I'm thinking a display load of lip glosses are in order!  This is a new template available tomorrow at My Time Made Easy called Display.  It comes with optional frog "parts" which I couldn't resist!

Aren't all his little frog parts cute?  He even has hands and webbed feet!   I also used The King's Crown cut file (I elongated it just a little so it would stand taller on his head).  

NEWSFLASH:  One lucky person is going to win the entire March release from My Time Made Easy.   It's really easy to get a shot at winning.  Visit all the wonderful designers, pick one project,  leave a comment HERE stating what you like about it and who designed it.   On March 1st, one name will be drawn and that lucky person gets the entire March release!  Cool!

Here are the blogs to visit:

I'm sure it will be hard to pick just one!  Have fun!


  1. Hi LOri!! This little froggy is adorable!!

  2. just darling, adorable froggy prince

  3. The detail on the frog is what makes it so cute!

  4. My mom would have loved this! She loved frogs and this project makes me think of her! Beautiful project.

  5. Everyone is buzzing about this one, and I can see why! So adorable!!!! Love the crown!

  6. I've got a confession to make: I'd kiss your frog anytime Lori! He's awful cute! Love those sweet eyes!

  7. He's darling and what a great prep for the princess: lipgloss!

  8. This is soooo cute Lori - and what a neat idea to put lip gloss in it. You are so funny!

  9. OMG! LOVE the crown! Wish I'd thought of that!! Adorable :)
