
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sweet Linen Bag

My sewing machine was feeling a little neglected, so I decided to whip up a little linen bag.  I haven't quite decided what's going inside, but now I've got something special to gift up a little something when I do. 

Love the linen and the sweet blue fabric.  I added a pocket on the front so I could slip in a tag.

I think "sweet" everytime I look at it!  Those little flowers and polka dots just say "sweet" to me.

It was so fun putting this together.  It was one of those things that just seemed to fall together - don't you like it when that happens?  The linen rose was even easy...

Hope you're having a wonderful week.  I'm posting this right before I head off to work.  So glad you stopped by!


  1. What a splendid gift set Lori! It looks so romantic with those fine soft pastel colours, really lovely!

  2. What a lovely bag!! Thanks for sharing at Things I've Done Thursday this week.

  3. This is awesome and out of this world beautiful and I am drooling all over my computer. Whip out a little linen bag. I can't even seem to whip out my sewing machine. This is truly art work!!! I love it, can you tell!!

  4. My sewing machine was carefully packed away several years ago after a plumbing disaster and never was unpacked. This sweet little bag may convince me I need to sew again. Maybe a love note tucked inside like a billet doux?

    Distressed Donna Down Home

  5. This is just as cute as can be. You are so creative. I just love it..


  6. Oh! My God, Lori! What a beautiful thing ...!
    I went to say hi and wish you a blessed weekend!

  7. Hello Lori,
    Oh, your new linen bag is soooooooo super cute, plus the tag is adorable. Nice Job! ;o)
    Smiles, Paula

  8. I love the linen flower, so cute. Visiting from Think Pink Sundays :)

  9. Such a pretty bag and a gorgeous tag!

  10. Soooo pretty! You probably don't even need to put anything inside, the bag and tag are gift enough~ If you're looking for another place to share, head on over to Etcetorize ( Party starts later tonight~

  11. Very cute Lori--love those little flowers. Thanks for linking up to Share the Love Wednesday!

  12. I love your project so much that I'm featuring it on this week's Make it Great party over at Etcetorize! I hope you'll stop by to grab a featured button from the sidebar and link up again. ( Have a wonderful week!
