
Friday, May 11, 2012


Moms are so important.  It's amazing the influence they have on the family.  Mom has got to be one of the most rewarding, scariest, and hardest jobs there is!   I learned early on that I, more than anyone else, set the mood in our family.  You've heard the saying, "If Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy."  I think there's more truth to that than we realize.  I'm very lucky that my mom is a wonderful mom and set a great example for me to follow.  Now, I'm not saying that I always get it right (I hear Lauren laughing at the idea)!  But I really do try!

This card is made with a set available at Rhonna Farrer's Designs.   It's actually a banner set.  I used the banner to create the background of the card. 

I know I've told you before, but I am so blessed with all my family.   How wonderful that I've never questioned my mother's love and support for me.  I know a lot of people don't have that safety net.  Here I am, close to 50 years old and I know she's still amazingly important.  Love you, Mom!


  1. A gorgeous card and a beautiful post, Lori! So sweet!

  2. Beautiful card, Mom's should be celebrated every day!

  3. Love this mothersday card, so pretty! Wish I still had a Mom to celebrate! Hugs, Frea

  4. Beautiful card and sentiments Lori! A very Happy Mother's Day to you and your Mom, Marilyn.

  5. You got me all choked up on this one Lori. :) Loved reading your tribute! And of course you know I think your card is sensational. The lattice work is superb. :)

  6. I do have to agree with you.. My Mom is still so important to me. Your card is gorgeous.

    I do hope you have a happy Mothers Day my friend.


  7. Your mom is going to give you an extra big hug Lori, that's for sure! She knows how much you love and appreciate her, your love shows in your beautiful card here!

  8. Lori this is beautiful , the trellis die is fabulous stunning paper well done Have a lovely weekend Hugs Elaine

  9. This is just lovely, Lori - both the card AND your comments about your mom (I love her, too) and all moms! I sure miss mine, and always enjoyed making a little fuss over her at Mother's Day. This card is just beautiful!

  10. Have a lovely Mother's Day, my dear friend!!

  11. Hey Lori- your card is beautiful. I love the paper you have used and all the texture. Wonderful design work!

  12. Stunning card and colours Lori. I saw this on MIM..Loz

  13. Hello. I saw this Beautiful card on MIM..Faye

  14. Absolutely stunning! I love the gorgeous papers you used.

    I’m stopping by from MIM. (I’m entry #97)


    **I am having a give-away on my blog. Feel free to stop by if you are interested.**

  15. This is such a lovely card! Thank you so much for joining us at MIM! Don't forget to leave a comment for another entry and mention you saw them on MIM for a chance at our second prize!
    Rene :D

  16. Hello Lori,
    You are truly blessed to have such a wonderful Mom. I love your handmade card, it is so pretty.
    Smiles, Paula

  17. Hi Lori

    What a sweet post.

    Your card is absolutely stunning. I love the lattice? die.

    Thank you for sharing with us at Make It Monday this week.

    Michelle :o)
