
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Kirby Cards

Hi, everybody!  Well, I'm happy to say I finally got my car washed today!  Everytime I thought about washing it, it either was raining or looked like rain.  My poor car was AWFUL!!!  While I was waiting on it, I kept watching this darling little (I'd say three years old) girl run around outside and I kept worrying a car was going to run over her.  Then when her mother's car was ready, her mom takes off for the car and leaves the little one trailing after her.  Instead of waiting at the car for her mom to open the door, she runs off behind the car and runs into Northwest Highway.  I about had a heart attack!!   Her mom runs after her and yells and spanks, and carrys on like crazy.  To me, it was obviously the mom's fault - why on earth would she let that little one anywhere near cars without holding her hand?????  Sorry for the rant, but PLEASE!!!  On to happier things...

Kirby, a guy I work with, special orders a lot of cards from me.   Here are a couple I've done for him recently.  This one is for his anniversary.
The bird image is from doll face design.  I also did this one for his son, who just graduated with his MBA. 

 Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!


  1. Beautiful, beautiful, nice, beautiful, beautiful ... I have more to say!
    Have a nice end of Sunday!
    Blessings and hugs ...

  2. Lucky Kirby to have you make him such gorgeous cards Lori, two stunners again! And you're right about getting upset about that mom (should we even be calling her that...), poor little mite... Take care now!

  3. Your cards are beautiful as ever Lori! Good to rant, know what you mean, Mothers these days!

  4. Hi Lori we are both on MIM today - I am number 22! This is a gorgeous card and I love the colours.There is nothing like a good always feel better for it ;0)
    Have a great week,
    Jane x

  5. Love your Love Birds Lori - this is a gorgeous card. Thanks for sharing and inspiring on MIM!
    Stamping Shanni

  6. Pretty, pretty, pretty!!! Love your cards!!! xo

    -pamela ;)

  7. Sometimes you just want to slap people, don't you? LOL...It's funny, my kids are teenagers now and sometimes in heavy traffic, they still reach for my hand instinctively and visa versa. I'm glad all was 'okay' although I agree, totally the mom's oops there.

    Your cards are precious Lori. The anniversary card should be framed!! Congrats to the son for the MBA. :)
    Hope you're having a great week and thank you for sharing again at MIM...always such a blast to visit your blog.
    Lisa x

  8. Fantastic cards! Thank you so much for joining us at Make it Monday this week! For a chance at a second prize, don't forget to leave a comment for another entry and mention you saw them on MIM! Good luck,
    Rene :D

  9. Lori these are beautiful I like the one you made for your son , but the other one is so colourful I love it, Hugs Elaine

  10. wow, these are both awesome, I luv the sweet details you had.. fabby...hope you have a super duper week!

    enjoy *~*

  11. It's always good to rant and rave a little my friend.. Your cards look wonderful. I am always inspired when I pop in here!

  12. Lori, Both the cards are great, but my favorite is the one with the birds. Love the row of little hearts on the bottom.

    Sometimes I wonder about people too. I see mothers and their children walking down our road with the mothers several yards in front of the children oblivious to what they are doing. Usually the children are running in the middle of the street and I just cringe because we live on a blind curve.

    BTW, Saw you on Make it Monday and enjoyed my visit.
    :) Chris / CS Designs

  13. Lovely cards - I'm so glad I saw it at MIM. ~Deb

  14. Beautiful card saw it on MIM xx

  15. Hi Lori

    I was horrified hearing your story of that poor little girl, seriously, what was the Mother thinking?!
    My friends rib me about being a helicopter parent, but I don't think I'm that bad. I will definitely let my boys cross the road by themselves when they are 18, lol!

    Lori, your card is absolutely amazing, so beautiful. The image is lovely.

    Thank you for sharing with us at Make It Monday this week.

    Michelle :o)

  16. Beautiful Cards love what you've created saw you at MIM hugs Nikki

  17. Wow, your cards are gorgeous!!! love the cute birds.
    I saw your cards on MIM

  18. Hello Lori,
    I love your handmade card, it is soooo super pretty. Thanks for sharing.
    Smiles, Paula

  19. Don't blame you for your rant. Little ones are so precious, it is a pity that some parents loose sight of that.

    Your cards are gorgeous.

    I saw your card on Make it Monday, I'm my lucky number '7' this week.

    Kasey ~ in Oz

  20. Both of your cards are fabulous! Love the image and colors of the first one, and love the printery style of the second. Visiting from MIM
