
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Favorite Color/Embellishment at Craft Us Crazy

It's new challenge time at Craft Us Crazy - how about favorite color and/or embellishment?  That's almost as easy as Anything Goes!  I say that, but I have to confess I sat there for awhile thinking:  "Do I have a favorite color or embellishment?"  How can I not?  I've always had problems with the favorite color question.  But, I can say I do love a really pretty blue/green combination - maybe teal or aqua.  LOVE the color of this butterfly - so that's what I'm going with.  Not sure I can even deal with the favorite embellishment thing! 

For this challenge, the sponsor is Digital Delights.

The prize is a $5.00 gift voucher. 

One of my longtime customers asked for a gift box and a couple of things to go inside along with some butterfly earrings she bought for a friend.

  I used the Wonderfully Wrapped template from My Time Made Easy

I also made a set of simple butterfly tags using the same butterfly from the front of the box.

And a soldered butterfly charm.   

How about you?  Do you have a favorite color or do you have trouble with that question, too?  Be sure to go by Craft Us Crazy to check out the other DT inspiration and join in the challenge, too! 


  1. The butterfly is so pretty and I love the color combination. I'm a big fan of blues and greens!

  2. Everything looks so pretty. I LOVE that butterfly. I can see why you love the color combo. Looks amazing my friend..

    Hugs, Linda

  3. {sigh} these are oh so pretty Lori! Beautiful gift bag and that soldered charm is exquisite!!

  4. Yes, I have a hard time stating a favorite color...I LOVE color!!!! Your butterflies are amazing! Your customer should be pleased.

  5. The box is lovely- the butterfly really embellishes it. So glad that you linked this to Things I've Done Thursday~

  6. Wow Lori, these are amazing projects! Your colors are beautiful too!
