
Monday, July 26, 2010

First Needle Felting Ever and a Puppy Card

Okay, is there anyone out there who needle felts? This is my first attempt. It's not horrible...but not the best either.
I would love some pointers! If you have any suggestions, please let me know. This card is part of a special request for puppy cards.
I love this little girl amidst all the puppies. Hoyt's German Cologne has some darling ads!
The papers are some old K&Co and some new Fancy Pants and Basic Grey. The stamps are from Stampin' Up. Hope you had a nice Monday and thanks for stopping by.


  1. Super cute! Love that sweet image Lori.
    Sorry I have no direction for you reguarding the felting. I watch Marth Stewart and have seen her do some of this stuff.
    Where do you get your vintage images? I have several resources but you seem to have some cute ones I dont have. :)

  2. I think that little pumpkin is super cute! And your card too, I just love your style, full of vintage goodies, enjoy every single creation from you!
    Congrats on your card at CCCB, you are spotlighted again!

  3. I think your pumpkin is adorable.. I have never tried felting but I have seen them do it on some crafting shows and it looks fun..

    Your card is also adorable.. I just love your style. Hope you are having a nice day! Hugs, Linda

  4. I've never heqrt of needle felting so I'm not help to you. What a cute card! I just love what you do with the vintage images!

  5. I'm smiling because I had the same angst over my cupcake. I got a book on needle felting and then realized finding wool in FL is nearly impossible!!

    Love the beautiful, beautiful puppy card.
