
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Good Things Come in Small Packages

Hi! Hope everyone is safe and sound this weekend. The last thing Kirby said to me as I left work on Friday was "I hope this weekend is better for you than last weekend!" And it has been...except when I had to pull in Edna's Bar on my way home due to a flat tire. While I was waiting for Dennis to come rescue me, I called Kirby and told him that I thought he had jinxed me!

Here are closeups of the Strawberry boxes I made. I love them!

I used a template found here. I changed how they are closed. I pulled a length of folded green ribbon through the leaves and then tied around the green ribbon with twine. Otherwise, they are really hard to get into! I think they'd be wonderful with a little jewelry or chocolate added.

And this is the cute little package that contained a good thing.

Debbie and I put together a great giveaway. She put some gorgeous earrings in my sweet little box, which was given away at our party at Sparkles.

This is another take on a small package. I used a pattern from The Cutting Cafe to create this little duck. I made it like an old fashioned pull toy. I braided yellow fiber and put a big wooden bead on the end for the pull part (of which I did not get a good picture). In between the duck bodies is a little yellow box that contains this little baby book...all ready for someone's sweet baby pictures.
Wouldn't this make a darling nursery decoration?

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