We had a great time this weekend - Lauren was here! We celebrated her and my mom's birthdays. Mom's birthday is April 15th (yes, tax day) and Lauren's is the 16th. I'll post more birthday cards later in the week. I made this card for my dad to give to mom.

I think the little boy is adorable, ringing the doorbell hiding flowers behind his back.

I love this corset ad...aren't you glad we're modern women and we don't have to wear corsets? However, she is adorable all dressed up for roller skating.

Debbie is planning a party at Sparkles on May 14th in the evening. She wants her customers to have a chance to meet me. I'll probably send out invites...even though most of you know me, it would be a great time to see Debbie's beautiful jewelry. The vintage Swarovski crystals are my favorite. I have several pairs of earrings made with them. Mark the date on your calendar. I will have some new items and I would love to see you!